Cal Week

Cal Week: April 23-26

For those of you who missed Cal Day or want to continue engaging with Berkeley, Cal Week begins on Tuesday, April 23. Cal Week is our virtual resources week. During Cal Week you’ll have access to a variety of videos from departments and resources on campus. Through Cal Week you’ll discover Berkeley and its community, plus you will see why Berkeley is where you belong. Peruse our on-demand video offerings on April 23-24. On April 25, join featured departments for a LIVE virtual resource fair from 5-7 pm. The resource fair is where you will have the opportunity to learn more and ask questions. You’ll find links and descriptions on this page.


While CalWeek has concluded, this page will remain up so you can review the materials on-demand on your own time. 

There are no time constraints or view limits to our resources. Learn more about Berkeley on your own time in the comfort of your own home. 


Still Undecided? 

Check out the video below with Ruben Canedo (Director of Strategic Equity Initiatives, UC Berkeley and Co-Director, Education & Training, UC Essential Needs Consortium) who goes in depth about topics that many of you may be considering as you decide whether Berkeley is the place for you. 

*Este vídeo también está en español.

International Student First-Year Admit Session